Who is Jesus?

Anybody that want to know more about who Jesus really is - here is some stunning information.

Jesus and Islam

Here is a very respectful presentation to anyone who wants to know about Jesus  - By

No challenges. And there will be no criticism of any religion, in any way.

Mostly there are six questions that followers of Islam, and others, often ask about Jesus... Here are the six questions answered in this article:

1.    Has the Bible been changed from its original?

2.    Does God say that one religion will replace another: Judaism, then Christianity, then Islam?

3.    Is it not blasphemy to say God has a Son?

4.    Did Jesus die on a cross?

5.    If Jesus died on a cross, was God dead for 3 days?

6.    Why not view Jesus as a prophet?

A Post on Facebook: One of my Friends wrote...
"Prophet Jesus is not God.
He is a messenger of Allah sent to the children of lsrael." (Q.3:49)
But the early Christians made him god."
My Comment:
Friend, What you say is taught to you by your Muslim scholars and they try to proof it from your Quran.
▶The Bible has a different viewpoint about Jesus..
πŸ‘‰Ever study the Bible yourself to see what is the truth❓

▶It seems you learned you Christian church history from your Muslim scholars.
πŸ˜…They lied to you (they don't even know it themselves).
πŸ‘‰Ever did some research in searching for the truth❓
Two questions:
  • What if your scholars are wrong?
  • What if your book are wrong?
Welcome to study the following Hashtags on the Internet and Facebook:
Some more answers about Jesus in the Bible.

More to read...

Why should I believe in Christ's resurrection. 

The Theology about Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Listen to this Song about Jesus

Where Did Jesus Say "I am God: worship me?" 

Jesus is God - Explain please

The Life of Jesus (Video)

What the Quran says about Muhammad and Jesus


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