Real Good News... or will you stay with only the Bad News

 ▶Islam has no Good News, only Bad News.

Just read this to understand just how bad it is... 

👉On my question to a Muslim...

"If you die tonight, are you sure that you are ready for justment day before the Holy God, absolute sure about going to paradise?"

His answer: 

❌My fate will be decided by God not by a human being such as myself.

❌No one knows where he will end up, hell or heaven, except for those who God has already mentioned in his book. 

❌But the promise is there if you do good and believe etc there is Paradise and Allah is all merciful.

💥I can't help to respond with...

My dear Muslim friend, 

I don't want to degrade your religion, but to be satisfied in yourself with such an answer above... "no one knows". ❓❓ That is real Bad News, isn't it?

✔Yes in your religion not even Muhammad knows about his eternal destiny.

❌Real uncertain Bad News...

❌And to hope you did enough good works to satisfy him...? 

👉Poor friend, your future is uncertain; Such Bad News. 

▶Why not consider the Good News of the Bible... The Gospel!

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