Dear Muslims,
In my research about Islam, your Prophet and your Book I came to many interesting conclusions...

You can find some of it when search the following #Hashtags on Facebook or the Internet...

😄For example, Muslims told me the Quran is without mistakes, was received direct from Allah to Muhammad and was never changed.

❓Can it be that there are historical errors in the Quran?

Look to this video.

👉The verbal summary covered in the video.

The Qur’an has many Internal Historical Problems, proving it came from Human origins, and was not from God. For instance:

A) The Qur’an introduces a Samaritan too early Surah 20:85-87, 95-97: "the Samiri has led them astray...[Moses] said, "And what is your case, O Samiri?" -Yet, Samaritans did not exist at the time of Moses (1400 BC) -The Samaritans were created after the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel by Sargon II the Assyrian king in 722BC, almost 700 years later. 

B) And a Mosque too early Surah 17:1 “Glorified is He who took His slave for a journey by night from al-Masjid al-Haram [Mecca] to al-Masjid al-Aqsa” [Jerusalem] (known as Mi’raj – 621 AD) -The Dome of the Rock was built in 691 AD -The Masjid al Aqsa was built in 710 AD, -Yet, this night journey is known as the Mi’raj, which supposedly happened in 621 AD! -What’s more, Muslims didn’t get to Jerusalem to build anything until 638-639 AD -It couldn’t even be the Jewish temple of Jerusalem, as it was destroyed in 70 AD! 

  C) And Coats of Chain-Mail too early Surah 34:10-11: “And We certainly gave David… And We made pliable for him iron, Make full coats of mail and calculate [precisely] the links” -David lived in 1,000 BC -Coats of chain mail were not invented until 200 BC, 800 years later! D) The Qur’an mis-places Crucifixions too early -S.7:120-124 [Pharaoh said to sorcerers at the time of Moses = 1400 BC] "Indeed, this is a conspiracy which you conspired in the city to expel therefrom its people...then I will surely crucify you all." (also S.20:71) -S.12:41 [Pharaoh to a baker at the time of Joseph = 1800 BC], ”O two companions of the prison! `As for one of you, he will pour out wine for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be crucified…" -Moses’s pharaoh = 1447 BC; Joseph’s pharaoh = 1800 BC -Crucifixions were not even used in Egypt -They were first introduced in 500 BC -Thus, the Qur’an’s crucifixions are in the wrong place, and 1,000 – 1,300 years too early! E) Then Denies the Crucifixion of Jesus S.4:157 And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him" -Thallus Greek (Samaritan hist. 52 AD) talk about the crucifixion -So did Phlegon the Greek (Rome writer 1st c.) -Josephus Jewish (AD 37 to 90) -Tacitus (Roman hist.-110 AD) -So, Greek, Roman, and Jewish Historians from the 1st – 2nd century ALL agree that it was Jesus who was on the Cross F) It’s got the Wrong Mary -Surah 19:28 = “O Mary, you have certainly done a thing unprecedented. O sister of Aaron” -Surah 66:12 = “And Maryam, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity” -Surah 20:30 = “Aaron, my [Moses] brother” -Miriam is the sister of Aaron and Moses -All three are the children of Amran (Ex. 6:20) -In Luke the Father of Mary is not Amran, but Heli (Luke 3:23) -And she lived 1400 years after Aaron and Moses G) It confuses Pharaoh, the Tower of Babel, & Haman Surah 40:36-37 (and S.38:28) “And Pharaoh said, "O Haman, construct for me a tower that I might reach the ways -The ways into the heavens - so that I may look at the deity of Moses; but indeed, I think he is a liar.“ -Egypt never built any towers. They built pyramids and temples -Haman was not an Egyptian, but a Persian -Esther 3:1 = Haman was the minister of the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes 1 according to the Greeks) and reigned between 486-465BC -Thus, Pharaoh (1500BC) and Haman (510BC) never met each other H) It makes Alexander the Great an amazing engineer Surah 18:96: “Bring me sheets of iron...between the two mountain walls...that I may pour over it molten copper" -He Builds an iron and copper Wall between 2 mountains! In 330 BC? -There’s no Record of such a wall in his 3 biographies! -Such a feat would hardly be possible even today! I) It refers to ‘futuristic’ coins (Dirham) too early -Surah 12:20 “a few dirhams counted out” (The coins used to buy Joseph) -Joseph lived in 1800 BC -Coins were created = 600s BC by the Lydians -Dirhams were introduced post 661 AD, by the Sufyani family -Could this be a later Redaction? CONCLUSION: Whoever wrote the Qur’an didn’t know their history -The Qur’an introduces, Samaritans, Mosques, chain-mail, crucifixions, and Dirham coins too early -It introduces the Qibla and the Ka’aba in Mecca too late -It suggests that Alexander the Great was an amazing engineer -It confuses the OT and the NT Marys, as well as Pharaoh, the Tower of Babel, and Haman -This suggests that either the authors of the Qur’an didn’t know their history well, or that they borrowed these stories from other sources with little discretion on their parts -Either way, this once more proves that the Qur’an is not from God, but created and written down by finite and frail men like you and me © Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2020

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