Muhammad in the Light of the Quran

The life of Mohammed according to the Quran   

Was Mohammed the final prophet or one of the false prophets predicted by the Lord Jesus (Matthew 24:24)? Most people have no reference to evaluate the ministry of Mohammed. One source of information to learn about Mohammed’s life is what the Qur'an teaches. It must be understood that these were verses being recited by Mohammed about himself, or as Muslims would say “revealed through Mohammed.” The verses were recited as if Allah was speaking directly through him. Eighty-seven of these verses about Mohammed are paraphrased in this chapter.

In this collection from Fisher: A Topical Study about the Quran, he included an Article about Muhammad where he highlight a variety of different kinds of verses. 

Some detail the mission of Mohammed and give warnings to those who reject him as a prophet. Other verses deal with the meaning of “Satanic verses.” Some give answers to those who accused Mohammed of immoral behavior. There are evaluations of the non-believer’s of Mohammed. Instructions on how people must treat Mohammed are detailed. The verses describe privileges Allah granted only to Mohammed. Some helpful linguistic and historic information has been included between parenthesis marks to assist with understanding the passages.

Fisher wrote his book to help non-Muslims who might expect Mohammed’s career to be comparable to that of Jesus. There are some similarities. Both are founders of major world religions. They both claimed to have been foretold by the Jewish Scriptures, thus their teachings were meant to be a continuation of the religion of Abraham, Moses and David. Neither of them authored a text but left it to their followers to compile their message and deeds.

On the other hand, the differences are significant. The Bible hails Jesus as the only incarnation of God while the Qur'an declares that Mohammed is a prophet. Jesus was single while Mohammed had many wives. Jesus was non-violent and commanded his church to be so as well, while Mohammed condoned the duty of Jihad (Holy War) and made it an important part of the Islamic faith. The contrast is evident.

The Qur'an Says ...

Poor Orphan   Mohammed was an orphan child yet was given a home. He was poor and became wealthy (93:6-8).

Alihah or Allah   The idol worshipers encouraged people to reject Mohammed’s teachings saying that he has made the gods (alihah) into one deity (Allah), which is nothing but an invention (38:4-7).

Prophet Like Jesus   Allah took a solemn pledge from Mohammed as he did from the other prophets; Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus the son of Mary (33:7).

No Son but Seal of Prophets   Mohammed had no son but (in spite of this disgrace) he has Allah’s approval as the seal of the prophets (33:40).

Illiterate   Allah replied to Moses that he would have mercy on the righteous, which are those who believe in his revelations and follow the Prophet, who can neither read nor write... (7:157a).

Mohammed’s Tribe   The Quraish (Arabic tribe in which Mohammed was a member) enjoyed privileges and treaties above others (because they were in charge of the Kaaba, or worship center, in Mecca and Allah was the one worshiped by their tribe). They should adore Allah who is the Lord of that house (106:1-4).

Messenger   Mohammed has no Savior to which he can turn and he himself is only a messenger (72:22,23, 22:49).

Revere Mohammed   Mohammed brings good news and warnings so believers must help him and revere him. Allegiance sworn to Mohammed is allegiance sworn to Allah. When they put their hands together, Allah’s hand is on top of theirs (48:8-10).

Rapid Tongue   Mohammed should not move his tongue so fast when “reciting” verses of the Qur'an (75:16).

Appeal to the Bible ...   Muslims will find him (Mohammed) mentioned in the Bible both in the (Old Testament) Law and in the (New Testament) Gospel (7:157b).

The First Muslim   Mohammed was to say that his prayer, life and death are all for Allah, who has no wife or partner, and he was the first to submit to Allah (6:162,163).

Satanic Verses   Mohammed spoke some verses to be a part of the Qur'an which really came from Satan, but this was not unusual since the Qur'an claims that every prophet and apostle in the past has had the same problem. The Satanic verses were removed. The purpose of Satanic verses was to test the unbelievers and divide them into sects which will be a sign that the Qur'an is true to those who believe (22:52,53). The Satanic verses were deleted and replaced by better verses or similar ones (2:106).

Impostor   When one of the verses that Mohammed had given, as part of the Qur'an, was replaced by another verse, the non-Muslims decided that he was an impostor only claiming to be a prophet (16:101).

Changes Cause Doubt   The foolish wonder why Mohammed's earlier instructions were replaced with different ones (in relation to which direction a Muslim should face when praying, Jerusalem or Mecca).  The answer to these "foolish doubters" is that the first revelation was given as the first part of a tough test.  This change (in the Qur'an) was performed in order to see which followers would remain Muslims and which would defect as a result.  It was a great test which true Muslims withstood (2:142,143).

Split Moon Miracle   Judgment is near and the moon is cut into two pieces. Yet if the unbelievers see a sign they claim that it is only a prolonged illusion (54:1-2).

Warrior   Mohammed, fight hard against the unbelievers and hypocrites and deal harshly with them. They are going to hell (66:9).

Booty   When Mohammed and his followers defeated the people of a town, the conquered people’s possessions were to be distributed by Mohammed and no one should criticize how it is done (59:7).

Above Criticism   Private discussions of a critical nature concerning Mohammed are not allowed. Secret councils are evil (58:9,10).

Soft Voices   Muslims are never to talk louder than Mohammed. They are to speak with soft voices in his presence. They must stop talking loudly to Mohammed when he is in another room but, instead, they must wait for Mohammed to come to them (49:2-4).

Private Audience   Before someone speaks with Mohammed privately, he should give alms to the poor to prepare himself (58:12).

Scandal   Mohammed told his adopted son, Zeid, not to divorce his wife and fear Allah, even though Mohammed knew in his heart something (that he himself loved her and she was meant to be his bride). Mohammed tried to hide his feeling concerning Zeid’s wife because he was afraid of public opinion. His son (understanding Mohammed’s intentions) did divorce his wife and she was given in marriage to Mohammed. This was meant to happen to demonstrate that it is lawful for fathers to marry their adopted son’s wives if they divorce. Mohammed is not to be blamed for doing his duty in this matter (33:37,38).

Too Many Wives   Muslims are only allowed four wives at a time in addition to their slave girls (4:3). But Mohammed (who had married more than four) is pardoned. The wives he has already married are permitted him so that he will not be blamed. This includes the first cousins who fled with him from Mecca. This was a privilege only for Mohammed and not for anyone else. Like other Muslims, he can continue his sexual relations with slave girls who were his prisoners of war (33:50).

Behavior of Wives   If one of Mohammed’s wives sins, she will be punished double. His wives who obey Allah and obey Mohammed will be rewarded double. They are not to be like other women. They should not speak softly to others or someone may lust after them. His wives are not to display their beauty. They are to stay at home and practice their religious duties (33:30-34).

Unfair Treatment Allowed   Unlike other Muslim men, Mohammed did not have to rotate sleeping with his wives to be fair to each of them. He could also have relations with wives that he had temporarily shunned so that they would not be in agony and would be pleased with what he gave them (33:51).

Maximum Wives Reached   It was made unlawful for Mohammed to take any more wives or to exchange his present wives for new ones even though he might be strongly attracted by the beauty of other women. The only new women Mohammed could have sexual relations with were slave girls (33:52).

Excused for Unfaithfulness   (Mohammed made a promise not to have sexual relations with a Coptic Christian slave woman. He took this oath to please his wife Hafsa. When he was caught breaking his promise. Those who believe in the Qur'an believe that Allah canceled his oaths with a question.) “Why would you (Mohammed) prohibit something for yourself (sexual relations with a slave girl) since it is permitted by Allah?” It is because you want to please your wives. Allah is forgiving. Allah allows you to break your oaths in some cases. When Mohammed confided (the breaking of his oath) to one of his wives (probably Hafsa), she then divulged it to another (probably A’isha whom Mohammed married when he was in his fifties and she was about nine years old). She (Hafsa) wondered how Mohammed knew (that she had rumored the scandal behind his back). Mohammed heard it from Allah. If the two wives do not repent (of their criticism of Mohammed) then they oppose not only Mohammed but also Allah who protects Mohammed, Gabriel, every righteous Muslim and the angels all of whom will back up Mohammed. If these two wives do not repent, Mohammed might divorce them and Allah would replace them with better wives who are submissive, faithful, devoted, penitent, and worshipful—ones who go on pilgrimage and fast. The replacements might be previously married or virgins (66:1-5). Remember the example of the wives of Noah and Lot. They were married to righteous servants and they deceived them. Both of their wives entered the fire of hell. Another example is Pharaoh’s wife who converted and was saved from those who do wrong and Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity. Allah breathed into Mary his spirit (Jesus) and she testified to the truth that she was a virgin (66:10-12).

Etiquette in Mohammed’s Houses   If a person is invited to one of Mohammed’s houses for dinner, he should not come early or stay after dinner for small talk. This would annoy Mohammed and he would be embarrassed to have to ask him to leave. If the guest should want anything, he should speak to Mohammed’s wives through a screen that would be best for the guest and Mohammed’s wives (33:53).

Troubling Mohammed   Annoying, criticizing or hurting Mohammed in any way is a great offense (33:53).

Childless   Mohammed should respond with prayers and offer sacrifices to counter the fact that he was so rich. The person who hates Mohammed will have no children (108:1-3).

Predicted by Jesus   Jesus, son of Mary, told Israel that he had come to confirm the Jewish Scriptures, which came before him, and to announce that another apostle would come after him named Ahmad (61:6).

Widows of Mohammed   It is not right for any man to marry Mohammed’s wives after he dies. This would be a great sin (33:53).

No Miracles   The non-Muslims observed that, unlike Moses, Mohammed did no miracles and Mohammed himself admitted that no miraculous signs had been done by him (28:48, 10:20, 13:7, 6:37).

Sky Falling   Mohammed should be encouraged by the fact that even if a piece of the sky fell on the unbelievers they would deny it by claiming that it was only a mass of clouds (52:44).

Possessed   The non-Muslims glare at Mohammed with their eyes and say, “No doubt, he is possessed” (68:51 25:8).

False Prophet   The non-Muslims say that Mohammed invented his verses himself (46:8,52:33 25:4).

Insane   The non-Muslims say that Mohammed is insane (68:2). The idol worshipers say that, since Mohammed performs no miracles, they would not leave their gods just because of Mohammed’s words. They decided that their gods had cursed him with madness (11:53-54).

Fairy Tales   The non-Muslims objected to the content of the Qur'an because they recognized in it familiar old fables which were presented in the Qur'an as history. Tales in the Qur'an were taught to him by someone who spent a great deal of time helping Mohammed learn them (16:24, 25:5, 68:15, 83:13).

A Poet among Many Poets   The unbelievers said that Mohammed was simply a poet (52:30). Poets are found wandering in every valley. They gathered followers who believed errors. The poets teach things they do not practice (26:224-226).

Teacher   The unbelievers accused a specific non-Arab of helping Mohammed compose the Qur'an (16:103).

Mysterious Journey   Allah should be glorified who transported his servant from Mecca to Jerusalem (17:1).

Enemies   No Muslim will befriend those who oppose Allah and Mohammed (58:22).

Doubters Should Hang Themselves   Anyone who thinks that Allah will not cause Mohammed to triumph should take a rope, attach it to the ceiling of his house and hang himself (22:15).

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