The fundamental difference between Biblical Christianity and Quranic Islam is called “The Quranic Dilemma”. The Quran declares that it is impossible for the Word of Allah to be changed or distorted. The Quran also declares that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments are the Word of Allah. They then claim that the Bible has been corrupted.

Stop right there.

If the Quran is infallible, then the Bible is the Word of God. If the infallible Quran states that God’s Word cannot be changed, then the Bible has not been changed.

If the Bible has been changed, as Muslims contend, then the Quran is in error either in stating that it is the word of God, or that it cannot be changed. If the Bible has not been corrupted, and the Quran disagrees with the Bible, then the Quran has to be interpreted in the light of the books that came before, and if so, it is found wanting.

They literally cannot have it both ways. 

The primary difference between the Quran and the New Testament, specifically, is that

Uthman ibn 'Affan, the third Caliph of Islam after Muhammad, who is credited with overseeing the collection of the verses of the Qur'an, ordered the destruction of any other remaining text containing verses of the Quran after the Quran has been fully collected (circa 650-653). Quran desecration - Wikipedia

The slight variations between New Testament manuscripts are often tauted as reasons to impugn the integrity of the New Testament as the inspired word of God by liberal theologians. Some scholars try to solve that problem by contending there is a “Textus Receptus”, a Greek text by Erasmus that correctly and infallibly collected and analyzed the documents and only included the inspired readings. This, in my view, is a ridiculous assertion. More to the case, the variety of documents do not contradict each other at all, and the copyists of the various manuscripts did not consider themselves “scribes” in the classic sense of trying to preserve a word-for-word duplicate of the documents. It is entirely possible that some of the variations were cause by the author himself, in making copies for others in an age without printing presses or photocopiers. The Bible does not claim to be “dictated” but “inspired”. 

The Quran, however, is claimed to be “conveyed by an angel”. It can be held to a higher standard, which is exactly the dilemma faced by Uthman ibn 'Affan. His solution was to gather every possible copy, with a similar amount of deviant readings that affects the New Testament, but that would be very damaging to the claim that it was dictated infallibly. The committee he appointed selected that which the Caliph and his court thought best, and burned the rest.

And burned the rest. And burned the rest.

Uthman's committee selected from all the possible copies from the variant Quranic texts that which the Caliph and his court thought best (among all the deviant readings available) as any difference would be very damaging to the claim that the Quran was dictated infallibly)... and burned the rest.

You can read the whole article here...https://qr.ae/pGWGWi

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