One of the greatest history scholars of the twenth century was Oxfords Dr Patrica Crone. In her study of all  ancient documents regarding Mecca she found zero trading documents mentioning Mecca. 

She found zero mentions of Mecca from documents from other kingdoms and cities around Mecca. There was zero mention of Mecca in documents from great empires. 

Infact  the first time she found any mention of Mecca was 741 ad 110 years after Mohammads death  And when she searched all the ancient maps Mecca did not appear on any of them  under any name till 900 ad. 

How is this possible if Mecca was a great trading city. The mother of all cities. How is it if this is true that NO ONE ever heard of it. 

She was not alone in her findings no other scholar found any documents either to this day. Scholars today believe Mecca did not exist till after the the 2nd islamic civil war.

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