Luxenberg finds an Aramaic Qur'an in 7 steps!
PfanderFilms (68,5 K Subscribers)

We now move to the ground-breaking work of Chistoph Luxenberg's research on the Qur'an's origins, particularly its Syro-Aramaic origins. The material for this video came from Thomas Alexander's research on Christoph Alexander's book, entitled "The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Qur'an", published in 2007.

You can see a more in-depth description of Luxenberg's research by Alexander here:

According to Alexander, Luxenberg went to the "dark passages" in the Qur'an to find what they really meant. These are the 25% - 30% of the Qur'an which even today Muslim scholars cannot understand, and are simply considered a mystery.

So, Luxenberg decided to apply a textual analysis to these passages to find what they may have meant originally in another language; namely, Syro-Aramaic, used by the Christians in the earlier centuries to write their religious texts.

In order to apply a true textual analysis of their meanings, he went to each of those passages and applied a 7-step process:

1) Checked with the al Tabari's 10th century Tafsir (commentary) to find an Arabic meaning for the word.

2) Checked the Lisān al-ʿArab (Tongue of Arabs), which was the earliest Arabic Dictionary, written by Ibn Manzur in 1290 AD.

3) Looked for homonymous (synonymous) roots in Aramaic with different meanings.

4) Tried applying different diacritics, such as those from Aramaic.

5) Checked for an Aramaic root using different diacritics.

6) Re-translated Arabic words into Aramaic with semantics of the Syro-Aramaic words.

7) Tried to find the lost meanings of Arab words using 10th century Syro-Aramaic lexicons.

By the time he had employed these 7 steps, he was able to reproduce All of the dark passages, finding that they had all come from pre-Islamic Christian Syro-Aramaic texts!

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2022
(68,380) Music: "Feeling the Caribbean Sun" by Horst Hoffman, from filmmusic-io

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