My Personal life story - How I met Jesus as my Lord and Saviour

Dear Muslim Friend, 

You asked me to tell you, away from the Quran and the Bible, just as a friend, why do I think Jesus is God? 

You said you would like to hear my understanding about religion -  not Quran or Bible.                                  

OK, I will give you my understanding about Jesus; Why and how I believe He is God; Not according to the Bible or Quran...? 

I will therefore share my personal experience with Him in my life. 

Since my childhood I search for purpose and peace; about my fear what will happen when I die. Many times on our farm I walk alone in the mountains, wandering and praying to God and Jesus. I want to be sure I am His child. "Please speak to me!" I was under the understanding He must do the same as Paul's experience in Acts 9 where the resurrected Jesus suddenly spoke to Him in a voice. (I give you the link of this verse if you want to follow it up; It always strike me as a child, even today, how once a murderer of Jesus's disciples can got a whole life change and became the strong leader of the early church - only Jesus (God) can did this.

But...I had it wrong. He never spoke to me like that... (long story.. I wrote it as a longer testimony that can be found and read on my Blog - Link given at the end)

During my first year at university (after my father's sudden death) my search became desperate. I once shared it with a friend and searched the Bible for answers. Then one day I just suddenly understood it so clearly. Through faith I accepted Him as my Saviour and Lord, and get such a peace and certainty about my life's purpose and eternal destiny. (The text in John 1:12 and John 3:16 did it all for me - you can read this in my longer testimony)

Since then, from 1971, I just continue serving Him and it's all about Him. I am not holy without sin, but He never dropped me, provided miraculously at many occasions where I had no fixed salary income and had to live in faith for many years. As a missionary I needed to go on many overseas trips and always got the needed money on a miraculous way (many stories to tell).

I am tired debating the verses in the Bible or Quran or traditions to proof if He is the Son of God. I saw in all that He did, the proof that He was (and still is) actually God himself. 

May be the most convincing fact for me was my first year as student when we celebrate Passover - Jesus's death and resurrection. I experience it so real that time, and ever since. 

In 2010 we did a tour to Israel and visited the many places that we read from in the Bible, especially the grave-site of Jesus and where he was resurrected. My own conviction is that it was very very true that this happened once - Also for me!

After a tour like that you can not experience the Bible the same any more - It's a book with a living history. Later I also visit Egypt and Turkey, the origin of the Bible history. The first Congregations mentioned in the book of Revelations, the city of Hathakya (the Antioch of Acts 13 where followers of Christ were first call Christians (Act 11:26) and from where the Apostle Paul was sent out as the first missionary to the other surrounded countries of that time - the building from that church in Antioch are still visible their. 

Friend, Whatever the debates try to proof, I just know who He is for me (my Creator, my Saviour and the One who I expected and know I will see after I die).

Lastly, as this is such an issue for Muslims, I also want to add that I have no problem understanding and accepting the doctrine of the Trinity as well. (Sorry, may be I shock you as a Muslim now. I just mention it, not to debate about this)

The ONE God, the Father,  Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit (All as One and One in All?) - yes, sound unintelligible, I fully agree; nobody understand or can explain it, but that's how the Bible reveals God in His Almighty power to us. (not in one or two verses, but overall as one message throughout the Bible). Paul call this a mystery in Ephesians 3. 

Am I absolutely sure? About the Bible and its message? About my own destiny when I die? Yes, 100%, not out of myself at all, but because of all the promises from God in His Word. Only His Word is sure! 

Somebody told me once that I only believe like this as I follow what my parents or the church taught me when I were young. No, under severe pressure when I worked as an engineer among a lot of atheist that hound and humiliated me daily, I could just be so sure and had so much peace about it. Even today, more than ever before.

No, not that my parents or the church brainwashed me, but its actually more that the Bible confirms daily what I believe ever since.

Friend, why not consider it yourself? Ask God yourself to reveal Himself to you. Many Muslims did it and many got answers, either in a dream or a vision of some sort. (Read my own testimony and many more other testimonies, also from many ex-Muslims, on my Blog here...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Chris ... Very worthwhile!

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