Why are Muslim's scared of reading the Holy Bible?

Why are Muslim's scared of reading the Holy Bible? 

From an interview with an Ex-Muslim after she started reading (studying) the Bible herself. View the Video here

What are the road blocks that prevent Muslim's to reach to Jesus of Bible? Muslims knew only the counterfeit fake Muslim Isa in Quran, the name have no meaning at all. 

Do you heard any Muslim talking about Muslim Issa to Christians? No, never, because of the embarrassing and funny stories said about Issa in Quran. Who is this Muslim Isa? 

Quran speaks about a mother of Issa called Maryam, the sister of Musa and Aron.. a time gap of 1500 years, while real Jesus & Mary the mother of Jesus walked on this earth. What a blunder mistake of all knowing Allah & Mohammed.  Instead Muslims always say they love Jesus and they are more Christian than Christians; only part of their agenda to cover up story of Maryam and said Taqiya lies to Christians.  

Look to this Ex-Muslim Christian Girl, who came with a simple hand drawn chart presentation. She explained it in a very simple way from her life experiences make this presentation very authentic, convincing and genuine. 

Many of the Educated Muslims seems alert of this video after heard the Truth. Hopefully they will go back to check with their holy books or do sincere research to test this girl's arguments. 

May the Truth hurts and sets them free from the clutches of deception. 

This video is uploaded only for educating Christians and also to my educated  smart Muslims friends. Christianity is for SMART and Educated Muslims. 

May Christians share our Joy and real Peace in Christ to our Muslim brothers and Sisters. Please let them also rejoice in the presence God's love, forgiveness, God's Mercy and Grace of Salvation in Jesus name. 

God Bless You.      

Muslims are welcome to join a WhatsApp Group of Muslims who do just that... Study the Bible together in search for the TRUTH

Click here to join https://chat.whatsapp.com/GXD36qOgB8i5pMPWEdlsqC

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Which version of the Bible do you want to use to counter the truth of the Qur'an in the light of modern knowledge since the Christian revelation is based on numerous indirect human accounts. In fact, no eye witness account from the life of Jesus, contrary to what many christians imagine.

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