Fastest growing religion on earth? Is that really true ? Let’s get the facts…


Fastest growing religion on earth?


Is that really true ? Let’s get the facts…

Read this article here...


(Read the quotes from Imam Luqman Ahmad in his article)

"There is other data as well which suggests that the American Muslim convert community is not growing in net numbers. Dr. Besheer Mohamed, a senior researcher at the Pew Research Center, and a Muslim himself, concluded in a January 2016 report that; “people leave Islam at the same rate that people convert to Islam”. He also concluded that; “There has been little net change in the size of the American Muslim population in recent years due to conversion.” (Mohamed, 2016)[4] This would seem to indicate that the American Muslim convert community is pretty close to zero net growth right now if you look at the raw numbers.

Nevertheless, it still remains that nearly seven out of ten Muslim converts, end up either not practicing the religion or leaving it all together. The most common causes are information overload, coupled with too many different directions of instruction, and spheres of foreign influence, and a woeful lack of facility and resources amongst indigenous American Muslim communities (most of whom are struggling). The new Muslim is often given conflicting information about what they should do, which group they should join, who and what they should love and hate, and where they can and cannot go to worship. The average muslim convert spends about 5 to 7 years literally going around in circles with their religion, sometimes embroiled in research, or dispute with other Muslims about what is haram, about  what is halal, or the meaning of this or that verses in the Quran or this or that prophetic tradition.  Other times they are busy trying out different types of Islam, different labels, each one requiring that he or she re-adjust their faith foundation, while repudiating the other group. One day a Salafi, the next day a Soofi, the next day a Maaliki, the next day a Habashi, the next day a Tablighi, and so on.. 

We need to re-evaluate the statistics that are being fed to us, because it has lolled many of us into a false sense of accomplishment to the point where we brag about how well Islam is doing amongst converts in America while in reality, it seems converts, by and large, are not faring that well and that the largest concentrations of Muslim men in America are those in our nation’s prisons."


I want to point out something that strikes me every time a Muslim talks about's all about the RELIGION. It's all about Muhammed. 

Whereas to the Christian it's all about GOD/JESUS. 

'Religion' is just man's attempts to reach God or some kind of higher being or aspiration. 

But God wants RELATIONSHIP with us because He created us and loves us! He's told us how to have that relationship with Him.....we either listen to that or ignore it and go our own way.

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